About Us

Heath Poulson (Poulson Drilling) has 28 years full time Drilling Experience in the larger part of Central Utah, as of 2024 Heath has personally completed over 1300 Wells to date, Constructing wells from 24" in Diameter to depths of 1000'. Heath at the time of receiving his drillers license was the youngest driller to receive his license in the state of Utah. Growing up in the industry as a 4th Generation Drilling Contractor Gives Poulson Drilling an edge many do not have. along with this shared knowledge and experience Heath worked 18 Years in the R&D Industry at a Test Facility (Novatek) Developing Drilling Tools for the Oil and Gas Industry first as an employee and later as a Contractor (Poulson Drilling). Heath Worked in all aspects of the design and development process His knowledge growing up with a machine and welding shop gave him clarity that helped him define design and develop right along with the many different engineering groups he was involved in. During this Time Heath (Poulson Drilling) was responsible defining equipment needed to complete the projected tests purchasing all the equipment needed for the testing facility, and then for completing all in-house testing operations desired from many different groups within the company. one of the Projects completed for the testing included a complete retrofit and rebuild of one of the drilling rigs used in the testing. Poulson Drilling-Heath also Tested Third party Tooling for EXXON, Haliburton, Schlumberger, NOV, Grant Prideco, Intelliserv, and many other smaller less identifiable entities. We Have also Completed cathodic protection work for COORPRO, Questar, Chevron. Working for these types of companies has been exciting over the years. Working with these types of organizations gives us an edge most smaller operators simply do not have. providing services for these organizations require a much higher level of operating standards and skill sets than water well guys are known for. At Poulson Drilling we believe in doing the job right! At Poulson Drilling We believe in Compensating our employees well! holding to the standards these types of organizations demand a much higher level of expectations for everyone involved. We hold this level of expectations whether it is for a residential well or a public supply well. Our Standards are an important part of why our customers choose us. Our expectations and standards are simply higher than those of the average water well drilling operator. Our ability to address a myriad of different problems and circumstances comes from the many different experiences shared and solved by working as a team with whoever it is we are contracting with.